Monday 23 January 2012

Gold Rush Alaska + TechStars NYC

Thought I would share some television shows I've been watching recently. Gold Rush Alaska. The premise of the show is six down-on-their-luck joes put everything into a gold mining operation in the heart of Alaska. A lucrative opportunity especially since the price of gold is well above $1000 an ounce. Alright, anyways, so what makes this show so good? Its all about chasing the 'american dream', basically, a fancier way of saying starting a successful business. You really get to see from the ground up - what makes a gold mining operation. Although, this show is mostly about big machines and you hoping they find gold before the 'Alaskan winter sets in' (get used to that line they say it about 5 times a show). The important lesson I learnt or saw in this show was understanding the risk and stress of starting a business and how emotions play a big role in small businesses. This show was down, real, and gritty. 

If I had to rate this, I would give it a 3.5/5 
Positives - Entertaining, Episodic, Big Machines, real + gritty
Negatives - Focuses a lot on the emotion of miners, drags on a bit, little on business 

TechStars New York is a show about 5-7 technology start-ups who are vying for funding from some prominent investors. If your interested in the internet technology sector at all this is a must watch show. From this show I have come up with a lot of original ideas just because of the pure creativity flying around in this show. There are a lot of lessons to be learned from this show. I might do a post on the lessons I learned personally from TechStars but a couple of general ones are, Being a solo founder is difficult, Its okay for your vision/product to change, and the team is more important than the idea. Not only, is this show a great learning device but it is also very entertaining. There is a bit of drama within companies and the thrill of success/failure is prevalent throughout the show. However, the show is not perfect there are several flaws. The show can be repetitive at times, furthermore, many smaller events are over-exaggerated by the narrator to make the show seem more exciting. 

Rating 4/5 
Positives: Educational, Real, Competitive 
Negatives: Repetitive, Boring at times

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