Tuesday 6 December 2011

How to Create an iPhone Application Part 1

So, this is my first foray into entrepreneurialism. On a lazy friday lunch, my friend came up to me with a strange proposal, "Let's start a business." That couldn't be a broader statement, what does that mean? A lemonade stand on my street or an empire of fast food restaurants. Of course, I jumped right in and said "Why not?" 

I mean, why not, right. That's the attitude that got Richard Branson somewhere. He is always known for his 'Screw it, Lets do it' attitude. That willingness to live on the edge, the ability to make a decision and not even hesitate about it. Its those bold actions that make empires. Okay, I'm getting a bit ahead of my self not. My project is no Virgin Inc. 

Read more about it here: Richard Branson

So, we were left with a business, we didn't know what our business was called. We didn't even know what our business was. After tossing around several ideas none of which were particularly feasible. We decided to create an iPhone application. Unfortunately, neither of us were programmers, nor did we have the time to educate ourselves in programming. Luckily, my friend knew about a freelance website called elance. So the idea was feasible we knew that much.

My partner, whom is a frequent user of eBay,  thought it would be great if he could find the average prices of eBay items to know what price to list his own items. So those were the sparks of the flame. The flame being what you see above EasyBay. EasyBay is an application which lists items currently on eBay below the average selling price. 

Now we had the idea, we got the ball rolling immediately... 

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