Thursday 22 December 2011

4 Innovative Business Ideas!!

Trends... Were always trying to keep up with the next latest thing even if you aren't an entrepreneur. Well, this interesting article came up on Supposedly, these are the hot new trends coming in 2012. Read it here:

These were the 12 consumer trends 

1. Red Carpet - luxury quality service 
2. DIY Health 
3. Dealer Chic 
4. Eco - Cycology 
5. Cash-less
6. Botton of Urban Pyramid
7. Idle-sourcing 
8. Flawsome
9. Screen Culture
10. Recommerce
11. Emerging Maturalism
12. Point and Know 

As I am currently feeling ambitious and I'm up for a challenge. I'm going to attempt to come up with some business and application ideas relating to these trends. Hopefully they are all good ideas, and hopefully one day I'll regret putting these ideas on my blog.   

 Red Carpet - Luxury Quality Service 
  • Theres a common problem with cabs and mini-cabs in many countries. They are either rude, unsure of directions, try to scam you, or are never on time. A great 'luxury' service would be a cab service like MK Cabs but for the western world. If you've never heard of them they are a big cab company from South Korea which operate in both Korea and Japan. They practically rule the cab industry in Japan. Why? Because when you see the glowing heart above the cab. You know if you choose them you will be getting a professional service. All the drivers are extremely courteous, wear a uniform (which looks something like a chauffer driver), and they ALWAYS arrive on time. Seems simple enough but in the two big cities (London and NYC) I have lived in its the same problem rude and late cabs. 

 DIY Health 
  • I don't know much about health. However, what I know from my experience and seeing those around me. Organicity and locality of food produce seem to be a growing concern for many consumers. A mobile application which lets your track where your food came from might be a novel app for many environmental and health conscious people. 

 Dealer Chic 
  • My application :P

Eco - Cycology + Recommerce 
  • What about a website that lets you trade already read magazines. So for example lets say you have a monthly subscription to national geographic, and you would love to read the new yorker once a month too. Unfortunately, you cant afford the monthly subscription for the NewYorker. So you go to this website, lets just call it, and find someone who would like to trade. So from now on, every month when your done with national geographic you send it to your trade partner and he send you the New Yorker when he is done with it. Now your getting two magazine subscriptions for the price of one.  

 Screen Culture
  • This isn't really a business idea but still a really cool idea. Something you would see on dragons den or shark tank. Anyways the idea is basically a standard computer desk, however, there is a small maybe 9 inch touchscreen installed on the surface. This touchscreen is where you can control your calendar, locks for drawers, control speaker volume, check the weather, make phone calls, contacts, passwords and many other functions. If actually done well this could simply your desk and help you get rid of all the clutter on top of your desk. 

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