Friday 18 November 2011

And It All Begins...

And So It Beings...

You could call it foolish, stupid, a waste of time, or you could call it a kid trying to make it. Allow me to explain...

Let me first tell you who I am and what this blog is about. I'm from London or I like to say that - I was actually born in New York and later moved to Singapore. However, I've lived most my life in London. I'm in my last year of High School and I have truly started to think about what I want to do with my life - where I want to be in 20 or 25 years from now. Business was the only answer to that question. I've always loved business my entire life. The thrill. The money. The chance to make it or break it. Not to mention the influence of my father and his father. So summer of junior year when I received an internship at a real estate hedge fund I couldn't be more excited. This was my chance to be surrounded by business, to learn what it was like being surrounded by all the things I loved. Little did I know I was entering the three most boring weeks of my summer. It wasn't exciting, it wasn't the thrill I imagined. It was dreary, it was number-crunching, it was economic analysis. It wasn't what I dreamed of. The dream I have is bigger.

What I want to do is create. I want to be the puppet master behind the strings. I want to be an entrepreneur. Although, I hate the word I can never quite spell it right, all those damn e's. I digress, I'm sure what I want to be and dream of is of little intrest to you. So what is this blog about? Its about my mistakes, its about my success (fingers-crossed), its about the journey, its about the lessons, its about the money, and its a little bit about my life. 

Till Next Time - F